Bedsores may happen after nursing home neglect. A warning sign of a bedsore is an unusual change in skin texture or color. Other warning signs include pus-like draining, swelling, tenderness and the area feels cooler or warmer. The neglect may lead to a deeper injury in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Symptoms of nursing home neglect include bedsores, dehydration and lack of supervision.
Bedsores may be a personal injury claim for people bedridden or in wheelchairs. For people in wheelchairs, a common bedsore location is on their buttocks or tailbone. For bedridden people, a common bedsore location is their back or side. A person should change positions if they notice any warning signs. Pressure against the skin limits blood flow to the skin. Without the nutrients and oxygen from the blood, the tissue might eventually die. People with limited mobility should have caretakers move them to prevent bedsores. Friction may cause bedsores as the skin rubs against clothing or bedding. Fragile skin is more vulnerable to injury. Shear is when two surfaces move the opposite directions and may cause bedsores.
Risk factors of nursing home neglect
People have a higher risk of bedsores when they’re immobile. Nursing home staff should be supervising their condition. Incontinence can make skin vulnerable with constant exposure to urine and stool. A lack of sensory perception makes it harder to know when they need to change positions. Poor nutrition and hydration in a facility weaken the health of the skin. Medical conditions affecting blood flow may raise the risk of tissue damage.
A person or their caregiver should reposition and shift weight every hour to relieve pressure. To prevent shearing, the elevation of a bed shouldn’t move beyond 30 degrees. If possible, a person should lift themself off of a wheelchair by doing pushups. Cushions and mattresses can relieve the pressure of an immobile person. Caregivers need to make sure residents have proper nutrition, hydration and supervision.